March 21, 2023

Infusion & Oncology Center is now open at Hills & Dales

Hills & Dales Healthcare is excited to announce the opening of our Infusion and Oncology Center. For many years, Hills & Dales has provided a variety of infusion services. We recently renovated a space within the hospital to not only move where infusion are given, but to expand the services we can offer.

What does this mean for patients? It means you can receive your chemotherapy or other infusions right here at Hills & Dales! We were aware that many of our patients are driving to Saginaw or further to receive infusion and oncology services. By expanding these services, we are able to offer these services to our patients much closer to home!

Patients might be asking: “What really is the Infusion and Oncology Center?” Breanne Moravcik, the Manager of the Infusion and Oncology Center, was able to help explain a little further what our center has to offer.


Please explain in detail what services are available for patients.

Patients can receive antibiotics injections, blood transfusions, hydration, iron replacement, bladder instillations, chemotherapy infusions/injections, allergy shots, port flushes, etc. These are just to name a few.

What services are most utilized by patients currently?

For infusions, our most common are iron infusions, reclast, hydration, and allergy shots. Common illnesses are also treated with infusion therapy which include dehydration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal disease, serious infections, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, immune disease, blood disorders, and cancer.

Chemotherapy treatment for cancer and providing education to patients from Pam, our oncology nurse with 20+ years of experience, are the most common services utilized for Oncology.

Can you explain what Infusion and Oncology means?

Receiving infusion therapy is a method of administering medication by a needle or catheter inserted into a vein. This is a common treatment for patients who cannot take medications by mouth or for treatments that are more effective through the vein. This type of therapy can also be used to treat patient’s diseases that do not respond to oral medication.

Chemotherapy (chemo) is used when referring to medicines or drugs that treat cancer. Traditional or standard chemo uses drugs that can kill tumor cells.  If your treatment plan includes traditional or standard chemo, knowing how it works and what to expect can often help you prepare for treatment and make informed decisions about your care.


Are there services that are available that patients did not realize we offer?

We provide a service for patients to come in and get their dressings changed for PICC lines and accessed ports. We do maintenance flushes for these lines as well with a physician order. It is also a place to get intravenous chemotherapy services for patients who do not need to be in a hospital inpatient setting.

What can patients use our Infusion & Oncology Center for?

Our infusion center is here for local patients to get the treatments they need closer to home. We are located conveniently at the back of the hospital with a private entrance for our patients. We have heated chairs, heated blankets, privacy curtains, educated staff, iPads and TV for patient entertainment, and noise-canceling headphones for relaxation.


Hills & Dales Infusion and Oncology Center is officially open! Please call 989-912-6626 regarding details on how to set up an appointment with our center.